Source code for surprise.dump

The :mod:`dump <surprise.dump>` module defines the :func:`dump` function.

import pickle

[docs] def dump(file_name, predictions=None, algo=None, verbose=0): """A basic wrapper around Pickle to serialize a list of prediction and/or an algorithm on drive. What is dumped is a dictionary with keys ``'predictions'`` and ``'algo'``. Args: file_name(str): The name (with full path) specifying where to dump the predictions. predictions(list of :obj:`Prediction\ <surprise.prediction_algorithms.predictions.Prediction>`): The predictions to dump. algo(:class:`Algorithm\ <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase>`, optional): The algorithm to dump. verbose(int): Level of verbosity. If ``1``, then a message indicates that the dumping went successfully. Default is ``0``. """ dump_obj = {"predictions": predictions, "algo": algo} pickle.dump(dump_obj, open(file_name, "wb"), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) if verbose: print("The dump has been saved as file", file_name)
[docs] def load(file_name): """A basic wrapper around Pickle to deserialize a list of prediction and/or an algorithm that were dumped on drive using :func:`dump() <surprise.dump.dump>`. Args: file_name(str): The path of the file from which the algorithm is to be loaded Returns: A tuple ``(predictions, algo)`` where ``predictions`` is a list of :class:`Prediction <surprise.prediction_algorithms.predictions.Prediction>` objects and ``algo`` is an :class:`Algorithm <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase>` object. Depending on what was dumped, some of these may be ``None``. """ dump_obj = pickle.load(open(file_name, "rb")) return dump_obj["predictions"], dump_obj["algo"]