The :mod:`surprise.accuracy` module provides tools for computing accuracy
metrics on a set of predictions.
Available accuracy metrics:
.. autosummary::
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
def rmse(predictions, verbose=True):
"""Compute RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error).
.. math::
\\text{RMSE} = \\sqrt{\\frac{1}{|\\hat{R}|} \\sum_{\\hat{r}_{ui} \\in
\\hat{R}}(r_{ui} - \\hat{r}_{ui})^2}.
predictions (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Prediction\
A list of predictions, as returned by the :meth:`test()
<surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.test>` method.
verbose: If True, will print computed value. Default is ``True``.
The Root Mean Squared Error of predictions.
ValueError: When ``predictions`` is empty.
if not predictions:
raise ValueError("Prediction list is empty.")
mse = np.mean(
[float((true_r - est) ** 2) for (_, _, true_r, est, _) in predictions]
rmse_ = np.sqrt(mse)
if verbose:
print(f"RMSE: {rmse_:1.4f}")
return rmse_
def mse(predictions, verbose=True):
"""Compute MSE (Mean Squared Error).
.. math::
\\text{MSE} = \\frac{1}{|\\hat{R}|} \\sum_{\\hat{r}_{ui} \\in
\\hat{R}}(r_{ui} - \\hat{r}_{ui})^2.
predictions (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Prediction\
A list of predictions, as returned by the :meth:`test()
<surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.test>` method.
verbose: If True, will print computed value. Default is ``True``.
The Mean Squared Error of predictions.
ValueError: When ``predictions`` is empty.
if not predictions:
raise ValueError("Prediction list is empty.")
mse_ = np.mean(
[float((true_r - est) ** 2) for (_, _, true_r, est, _) in predictions]
if verbose:
print(f"MSE: {mse_:1.4f}")
return mse_
def mae(predictions, verbose=True):
"""Compute MAE (Mean Absolute Error).
.. math::
\\text{MAE} = \\frac{1}{|\\hat{R}|} \\sum_{\\hat{r}_{ui} \\in
\\hat{R}}|r_{ui} - \\hat{r}_{ui}|
predictions (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Prediction\
A list of predictions, as returned by the :meth:`test()
<surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.test>` method.
verbose: If True, will print computed value. Default is ``True``.
The Mean Absolute Error of predictions.
ValueError: When ``predictions`` is empty.
if not predictions:
raise ValueError("Prediction list is empty.")
mae_ = np.mean([float(abs(true_r - est)) for (_, _, true_r, est, _) in predictions])
if verbose:
print(f"MAE: {mae_:1.4f}")
return mae_
def fcp(predictions, verbose=True):
"""Compute FCP (Fraction of Concordant Pairs).
Computed as described in paper `Collaborative Filtering on Ordinal User
Feedback <https://www.ijcai.org/Proceedings/13/Papers/449.pdf>`_ by Koren
and Sill, section 5.2.
predictions (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Prediction\
A list of predictions, as returned by the :meth:`test()
<surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.test>` method.
verbose: If True, will print computed value. Default is ``True``.
The Fraction of Concordant Pairs.
ValueError: When ``predictions`` is empty.
if not predictions:
raise ValueError("Prediction list is empty.")
predictions_u = defaultdict(list)
nc_u = defaultdict(int)
nd_u = defaultdict(int)
for u0, _, r0, est, _ in predictions:
predictions_u[u0].append((r0, est))
for u0, preds in predictions_u.items():
for r0i, esti in preds:
for r0j, estj in preds:
if esti > estj and r0i > r0j:
nc_u[u0] += 1
if esti >= estj and r0i < r0j:
nd_u[u0] += 1
nc = np.mean(list(nc_u.values())) if nc_u else 0
nd = np.mean(list(nd_u.values())) if nd_u else 0
fcp = nc / (nc + nd)
except ZeroDivisionError:
raise ValueError(
"cannot compute fcp on this list of prediction. "
+ "Does every user have at least two predictions?"
if verbose:
print(f"FCP: {fcp:1.4f}")
return fcp