Source code for surprise.prediction_algorithms.predictions

The :mod:`surprise.prediction_algorithms.predictions` module defines the
:class:`Prediction` named tuple and the :class:`PredictionImpossible`

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

from collections import namedtuple

[docs]class PredictionImpossible(Exception): """Exception raised when a prediction is impossible. When raised, the estimation :math:`\hat{r}_{ui}` is set to the global mean of all ratings :math:`\mu`. """ pass
[docs]class Prediction(namedtuple('Prediction', ['uid', 'iid', 'r0', 'est', 'details'])): """A named tuple for storing the results of a prediction. It's wrapped in a class, but only for documentation and printing purposes. Args: uid: The (inner) user id. See :ref:`this note<raw_inner_note>`. iid: The (inner) item id. See :ref:`this note<raw_inner_note>`. r0: The true rating :math:`r_{ui}`. est: The estimated rating :math:`\\hat{r}_{ui}`. details (dict): Stores additional details about the prediction that might be useful for later analysis. """ __slots__ = () # for memory saving purpose. def __str__(self): s = 'user: {uid:<10} '.format(uid=self.uid) s += 'item: {iid:<10} '.format(iid=self.iid) s += 'r = {r0:1.2f} '.format(r0=self.r0) s += 'est = {est:1.2f} '.format(est=self.est) s += str(self.details) return s