Source code for surprise.dataset

The :mod:`dataset <surprise.dataset>` module defines the :class:`Dataset` class
and other subclasses which are used for managing datasets.

Users may use both *built-in* and user-defined datasets (see the
:ref:`getting_started` page for examples). Right now, three built-in datasets
are available:

* The `movielens-100k <>`_ dataset.
* The `movielens-1m <>`_ dataset.
* The `Jester <>`_ dataset 2.

Built-in datasets can all be loaded (or downloaded if you haven't already)
using the :meth:`Dataset.load_builtin` method.

.. autosummary::


import itertools
import os
import sys
from collections import defaultdict

from .builtin_datasets import BUILTIN_DATASETS, download_builtin_dataset

from .reader import Reader
from .trainset import Trainset

[docs] class Dataset: """Base class for loading datasets. Note that you should never instantiate the :class:`Dataset` class directly (same goes for its derived classes), but instead use one of the three available methods for loading datasets.""" def __init__(self, reader): self.reader = reader
[docs] @classmethod def load_builtin(cls, name="ml-100k", prompt=True): """Load a built-in dataset. If the dataset has not already been loaded, it will be downloaded and saved. You will have to split your dataset using the :meth:`split <DatasetAutoFolds.split>` method. See an example in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validate_example>`. Args: name(:obj:`string`): The name of the built-in dataset to load. Accepted values are 'ml-100k', 'ml-1m', and 'jester'. Default is 'ml-100k'. prompt(:obj:`bool`): Prompt before downloading if dataset is not already on disk. Default is True. Returns: A :obj:`Dataset` object. Raises: ValueError: If the ``name`` parameter is incorrect. """ try: dataset = BUILTIN_DATASETS[name] except KeyError: raise ValueError( "unknown dataset " + name + ". Accepted values are " + ", ".join(BUILTIN_DATASETS.keys()) + "." ) # if dataset does not exist, offer to download it if not os.path.isfile(dataset.path): answered = not prompt while not answered: print( "Dataset " + name + " could not be found. Do you want " "to download it? [Y/n] ", end="", ) choice = input().lower() if choice in ["yes", "y", "", "omg this is so nice of you!!"]: answered = True elif choice in ["no", "n", "hell no why would i want that?!"]: answered = True print("Ok then, I'm out!") sys.exit() download_builtin_dataset(name) reader = Reader(**dataset.reader_params) return cls.load_from_file(file_path=dataset.path, reader=reader)
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_file(cls, file_path, reader): """Load a dataset from a (custom) file. Use this if you want to use a custom dataset and all of the ratings are stored in one file. You will have to split your dataset using the :meth:`split <DatasetAutoFolds.split>` method. See an example in the :ref:`User Guide <load_from_file_example>`. Args: file_path(:obj:`string`): The path to the file containing ratings. reader(:obj:`Reader <surprise.reader.Reader>`): A reader to read the file. """ return DatasetAutoFolds(ratings_file=file_path, reader=reader)
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_folds(cls, folds_files, reader): """Load a dataset where folds (for cross-validation) are predefined by some files. The purpose of this method is to cover a common use case where a dataset is already split into predefined folds, such as the movielens-100k dataset which defines files u1.base, u1.test, u2.base, u2.test, etc... It can also be used when you don't want to perform cross-validation but still want to specify your training and testing data (which comes down to 1-fold cross-validation anyway). See an example in the :ref:`User Guide <load_from_folds_example>`. Args: folds_files(:obj:`iterable` of :obj:`tuples`): The list of the folds. A fold is a tuple of the form ``(path_to_train_file, path_to_test_file)``. reader(:obj:`Reader <surprise.reader.Reader>`): A reader to read the files. """ return DatasetUserFolds(folds_files=folds_files, reader=reader)
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_df(cls, df, reader): """Load a dataset from a pandas dataframe. Use this if you want to use a custom dataset that is stored in a pandas dataframe. See the :ref:`User Guide<load_from_df_example>` for an example. Args: df(`Dataframe`): The dataframe containing the ratings. It must have three columns, corresponding to the user (raw) ids, the item (raw) ids, and the ratings, in this order. reader(:obj:`Reader <surprise.reader.Reader>`): A reader to read the file. Only the ``rating_scale`` field needs to be specified. """ return DatasetAutoFolds(reader=reader, df=df)
def read_ratings(self, file_name): """Return a list of ratings (user, item, rating, timestamp) read from file_name""" with open(os.path.expanduser(file_name)) as f: raw_ratings = [ self.reader.parse_line(line) for line in itertools.islice(f, self.reader.skip_lines, None) ] return raw_ratings def construct_trainset(self, raw_trainset): raw2inner_id_users = {} raw2inner_id_items = {} current_u_index = 0 current_i_index = 0 ur = defaultdict(list) ir = defaultdict(list) # user raw id, item raw id, translated rating, time stamp for urid, irid, r, timestamp in raw_trainset: try: uid = raw2inner_id_users[urid] except KeyError: uid = current_u_index raw2inner_id_users[urid] = current_u_index current_u_index += 1 try: iid = raw2inner_id_items[irid] except KeyError: iid = current_i_index raw2inner_id_items[irid] = current_i_index current_i_index += 1 ur[uid].append((iid, r)) ir[iid].append((uid, r)) n_users = len(ur) # number of users n_items = len(ir) # number of items n_ratings = len(raw_trainset) trainset = Trainset( ur, ir, n_users, n_items, n_ratings, self.reader.rating_scale, raw2inner_id_users, raw2inner_id_items, ) return trainset def construct_testset(self, raw_testset): return [(ruid, riid, r_ui_trans) for (ruid, riid, r_ui_trans, _) in raw_testset]
class DatasetUserFolds(Dataset): """A derived class from :class:`Dataset` for which folds (for cross-validation) are predefined.""" def __init__(self, folds_files=None, reader=None): Dataset.__init__(self, reader) self.folds_files = folds_files # check that all files actually exist. for train_test_files in self.folds_files: for f in train_test_files: if not os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(f)): raise ValueError("File " + str(f) + " does not exist.")
[docs] class DatasetAutoFolds(Dataset): """A derived class from :class:`Dataset` for which folds (for cross-validation) are not predefined. (Or for when there are no folds at all).""" def __init__(self, ratings_file=None, reader=None, df=None): Dataset.__init__(self, reader) self.has_been_split = False # flag indicating if split() was called. if ratings_file is not None: self.ratings_file = ratings_file self.raw_ratings = self.read_ratings(self.ratings_file) elif df is not None: self.df = df self.raw_ratings = [ (uid, iid, float(r), None) for (uid, iid, r) in self.df.itertuples(index=False) ] else: raise ValueError("Must specify ratings file or dataframe.")
[docs] def build_full_trainset(self): """Do not split the dataset into folds and just return a trainset as is, built from the whole dataset. User can then query for predictions, as shown in the :ref:`User Guide <train_on_whole_trainset>`. Returns: The :class:`Trainset <surprise.Trainset>`. """ return self.construct_trainset(self.raw_ratings)