Source code for surprise.dump

The :mod:`dump` module defines the :func:`dump` function.

import pickle

[docs]def dump(file_name, predictions, trainset=None, algo=None): """Dump a list of :obj:`predictions <surprise.prediction_algorithms.predictions.Prediction>` for future analysis, using Pickle. If needed, the :class:`trainset <surprise.dataset.Trainset>` object and the algorithm can also be dumped. What is dumped is a dictionnary with keys ``'predictions``, ``'trainset'``, and ``'algo'``. The dumped algorithm won't be a proper :class:`algorithm <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase>` object but simply a dictionnary with the algorithm attributes as keys-values (technically, the ``algo.__dict__`` attribute). See :ref:`User Guide <dumping>` for usage. Args: file_name(str): The name (with full path) specifying where to dump the predictions. predictions(list of :obj:`Prediction\ <surprise.prediction_algorithms.predictions.Prediction>`): The predictions to dump. trainset(:class:`Trainset <surprise.dataset.Trainset>`, optional): The trainset to dump. algo(:class:`Algorithm\ <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase>`, optional): algorithm to dump. """ dump_obj = dict() dump_obj['predictions'] = predictions if trainset is not None: dump_obj['trainset'] = trainset if algo is not None: dump_obj['algo'] = algo.__dict__ # add algo attributes dump_obj['algo']['name'] = algo.__class__.__name__ pickle.dump(dump_obj, open(file_name, 'wb')) print('The dump has been saved as file', file_name)